Monday, March 20, 2006

Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No.....maybe

My Beef This Week

I’m sorry this posting is a little late this week. My life is crazy right now. I have been dealing with spineless people for the last few weeks. This kills me. Make a fucking decision already…and quit worrying about what everyone else thinks.

People in management should be decision-makers, but too often aren’t. Unfortunately, the system works such that the person who pisses off the least people often gets the promotion. And to piss off the fewest people, you have to cater to the dominant assholes. It is the most inefficient system ever. No wonder nothing ever gets done in business.

Our current administration is a prime example of this: spineless president, many dominant assholes in the cabinet.

I’ve never understood what makes a weak decision-maker. Is it childhood trauma? Fear of being disliked? Fear of screwing up? And why does everyone always cater to the asshole of the group, no matter how wrong he is? So the asshole can take the fall? Maybe it’s biological. We have a family friend who, after a series of small strokes, has developed the inability to make the smallest of decisions. She will literally spend an hour agonizing over the red sweater or the blue sweater.

In my line of work, if the medical affairs management is wishy-washy, sales dominates because those guys are ALWAYS dominant personalities. And that makes for inappropriate bedfellows. As soon as sales dictates medical affairs in any form or fashion, the science goes straight out the window and then it’s all about spin.

I really miss my old boss. He was a bold decision-maker and he would tell sales to go and screw themselves. He understood where the line was and never asked us to compromise our integrity for the sake of the product. More and more I feel like I’m being asked to sell out. I’m fighting against it, but I’m paying a price because the director couldn’t make his own decision if his daughter’s life depended on it.

So I hope all of you out there make some good solid decisions this week. Me? I’m going to look for a new job.


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